Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LOST and Found...

This evening, over a plate of Lemon Pepper Chicken and Mongolian Beef from our local neighborhood Pei Wei, I was ruminating on my quizzical angst for the season premier of LOST--yes, in a temporary state of pop-culture weakness last year, I allowed myself to get sucked into the cult program...but, alas, it's the only network television program I've allowed myself to waste time on. While ruminating here on this first full day of the Obama presidency, a profound realization occurred to me. The parallels between the predicament of the "Oceanic 6" and a 2009 America are staggering.

Consider this. In both scenarios, the people have found themselves in the midst of monumental crash and in a place completely unfamiliar to them. They have no idea how to get home. They choose to follow a strapping young man--the son of a drunk and international, serial philanderer--who promises to press on and get them home. But whence they finally arrive home, they discover it's not the home they remembered...

Perhaps the exploits of Jack and the "Oceanic 6" will provide some insight into where the Anointed One might lead the American people in the coming months...stay tuned.

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